Contact Information

Don't hesitate to say hello

    Contact Details

    Tel: 0333 090 2769

    Email: [email protected]

    Where are we?

    We are registered in London, but since COVID hit our team is working very virtually and spread nationwide: London Birmingham

    When you can contact us?

    Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm Saturday, Sunday: We try to have the weekends off!


    Proud to work with our partners

    Honoured to work with pioneering and innovative partner organisations

    Established in 2012, it is one of the largest NHS trusts in England running 5 hospitals in London
    DigitalHealth.London connects NHS staff, digital health companies and academics

    Monitor – Track – Take Action

    Ortus I-Health

    The future of Health care for clinicians and patients

    Book a Demonstration

    Provide your details and a favoured time or date and we’ll email you with details for an online secure 45 minute meeting.